this love will touch. taste. feel. like fire…

this love will touch. taste. feel. like fire.

this love will touch.
taste. feel. like fire…
and your soul will stir
and your heart will race
and the awakenings
will come again and again.
and just. the existence of them…
who they are… how they are…
it will create all those hurricanes
that you feel in your chest walls.

and that’s how you’ll know.
because if they are for you…
you’ll feel it in your chest walls.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘because if they are for you… you’ll feel it in your chest walls.’ is an excerpt from her longer poem ‘artists and lovers’. ‘Artists and lovers’ was written about passionate and intense love and how that kind of love can be drastic and sometimes even heartbreaking, but it is also beautiful and powerful. The poems were also written about the beauty in physical and energetic connection. How touch and presence and body language and physical chemistry can hold so much magic and also how our intuition guides us in our connections with others. Both poems are published in her poetry book ‘she’s flowers and fire’, and both poems are where her quote if they are for you… you’ll feel it in your chest walls comes from.

if they are for you... you'll feel it in your chest walls

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