the way she’s such a soft thing and still lets everything made of fire…

the way she’s such a soft thing and still lets everything made of fire run so wild in her veins

the way she’s such a soft thing and still lets everything made of fire run so wild in her veins

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising quote ‘the way she’s such a soft thing and still lets everything made of fire run so wild in her veins’ is a remix of the feature quote from her book ‘she’s flowers and fire’: ‘to be such a soft thing… and still let everything made of fire run so wild in her veins’. The first version of the quote is on the back cover of the book and is in the intro. THe second version of the quote is on page 12 of the book. Both quotes are empowerment quotes about embracing the paradoxes we hold inside like of soft and wild, vulnerable and strong… embracing our flowers and fire.

the way she’s such a soft thing and still lets everything made of fire run so wild in her veins

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