to not let it all be who and what you are…

there is too much good in you for you to not let goodness be who and what you are

there is too much good in you
for you to not let goodness be who
and what you are…

and there is too. much. beautiful in you
for you to not let beautiful be who
and what you are…

and there is too much fire and passion
and magic and art and love in you
for you to not let it all be who
and what you are.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘for you to not let it all be who and what you are.’ is in her poetry book ‘she’s flowers and fire’. Originally inspired by a friend who was struggling with his self-worth, the poem is something that butterflies rising wrote about quieting the noise and judgment and unkindness from outside of us, and looking inside of ourselves and remembering what is good and beautiful and magical inside of us.

there is too much good in you for you to not let goodness be who and what you are

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