there is nothing i could lose that i would miss as much…

there is nothing i could lose that i would miss as much as i have missed the feel of my own soul

there is
nothing i could lose
that i would miss
as much as i have missed
the feel of my own soul
when i wasn’t listening to it,
and i’m listening now…
and it’s telling me
that i am meant to be
where my lungs can breathe easy
and where there’s wing-shaped air
to stretch into all around me

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘there is nothing i could lose that i would miss as much as i have missed the feel of my own soul’, was inspired from a quote in her book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’: ‘if anyone or anything needs my spirit to be small… i’m finally learning to walk away‘. The quote was written about how she has been learning to to walk away form connections and experiences that hold her back. And the poem was written about how, even though it can be scary and painful to walk away and leave things behind, it is still so much more painful to stay where you lose yourself.

there is nothing i could lose that i would miss as much as i have missed the feel of my own soul

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