so many moons in you: destiny in those wild eyes

all that destiny in those wild eyes and so much passion in that wild heart

that destiny
in those wild eyes,
so much passion in
that wild heart,
all the marks on you
and the strength in you
from the mountains within you
that you’ve scaled to get here…
so. many. moons. in you
…it’s beautiful.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘so many moons in you: all that destiny in those wild eyes and so much passion in that wild heart’ is part of a poem and quote series by butterflies rising that includes her longer poem and ‘like a sure thing’ and her two ‘destiny in those wild eyes’ quotes. All the pieces are published in her poetry book ‘she’s flowers and fire’. The original poem in the series, ‘like a sure thing’, was a love poem that butterflies rising wrote about a soulmate coming into your life and the magic of that feeling. After going through heartbreak from that soulmate connection, butterflies rising came back to the poem later and saw a soul journey poem underneath the love poem, and that’s what ‘so many moons in you’ is about.

all that destiny in those wild eyes and so much passion in that wild heart

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