breathe it all out as stardust and art – butterflies rising

breathe it all out as stardust and art

breathe it all out as stardust and art

– butterflies rising

‘breathe it all out as stardust and art’ is a quote and poem excerpt by the author butterflies rising that is published in her poetry book ‘she’s flowers and fire’. The quote is from a series of poems and quotes that butterflies rising wrote after a break up. The full poems in the series, ‘a fire in that kiss’ and ‘beautiful stardust’ are about the way heartbreak can try to shut us down and close us off and make us afraid to feel and to take things in and to be passionate, but butterflies rising wrote these to inspire to stay passionate and to keep taking things in, because even if we get out hearts broken, we’ll eventually learn and grow and become better versions of ourselves… and the pain… we can breathe it all out as stardust and art.

breathe it all out as stardust and art

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