i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love

i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love - butterflies rising

i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love, to feel the way i feel when i think something is beautiful… to look at myself and see something that i love and think is beautiful.

– butterflies rising

‘i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love’ is a quote by butterflies rising that is published in her book ‘she’s flowers and fire’. The quote is a piece butterflies rising wrote about her own struggle with self-love and self worth and how easily she sees beauty in everything else, yet struggles to see it in herself, and how she wants to learn to give herself that same love and grace.

i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love - butterflies rising

i want to learn to look at myself in the same way that i look at things i love – Copyright Information