dream your wild dreams, love…

dream your wild dreams, love, and chase your racing heartbeats

your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats,
find it and feed it and play in your own fire…
and she’ll find you.
she’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and everything you both ache for collides,
because her fire is drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

The butterflies rising poem ‘dream your wild dreams, love’ is in her poetry book ‘she’s flowers and fire’. butterflies rising views this poem as a bit of a love letter to a soulmate that she will love someday. She meant it in a way to wish for him to be chasing his dreams and taking his own soul journey and the same way that she is chasing her dreams and on her soul journey so that when they find each other, they will be ready for each other. The poem is the full poem to her quote her fire is drawn to your fire.

dream your wild dreams, love, and chase your racing heartbeats

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